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Geberit One oynasi kabineti yoritgich bilan, 900x900 mm
SKU 505.833.00.1
75 600 000,00сум
Geberit One oynasi kabineti yoritgich bilan, 900x900 mm.
To’plamda mavjud:
1) Geberit One rakovina teshik bilan, 500x410 mm (7350000 so'm)
2) Geberit One shkaf uchun stolshnitsa, 900x470 mm, mat lava.(4 650 000 so'm)
3) Geberit One rakovina uchun shkaf, 888x470 mm, oq mat. (13 500 000 so'm)
4) Geberit One tumba uchun marmar stolshnitsa, 450x460 mm, qora mat. (3 000 000 so'm)
5) Geberit One osma tumba, 450x470 mm, oq mat (10 800 000 so'm)
6) Geberit One penal, 360x1800 mm, oq mat. (10 800 000 so'm)
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